Thursday, 29 October 2009

Twodeadsluts Onegoodfuck

Harsh Noise/Retarded Punkism [i just invented that word, whatever] IMO... Punk is dead, at least in the form it used to be, the new Punk is Noise, it's angry & chaotic, it has a 'fuck you' attitude more so than any other genre of 'music' which is something a lot of people aren't even willing to see it as, but even more so the stage [well they play in the crowd] presence of bands like is what Punk is all about, all over the place, frantic, improvisational, fun & in this instance naked. They're from Boston USA & their live shows are more impressive than their releases, but thats only because this is very energetic Noise, you see/hear a mess of movement and sounds all meshing together. This set really kicks in at about 1:20


  1. Punk was a period-specific social\fashion movement that for some weird reason got it's name attached to a hard-to-define attitude that existed since even before the day Lao Tzu walked off into the forest forever in disgust of the state of pre-Christ Chinese society.

    In other news, these guys are rabid monkey-men.

  2. Thanks for your reply man... and agreed, i think Punk is an interesting topic because it's basically become everything it was seemingly always against, a consumer fed alternative lifestyle with crappy products/images you abide by to fit in with it and industry produced 'anarchy' LOL spoon fed as a sort of counter culture, it's ridiculous.

    Punk as another term for this attitude/state of mind makes more sense to me, films/art/people/music can be Punk without having ANYTHING to do with what culture defines as Punk and as i said, it's those things that dont abide by these easy to distinguish labels and as you said are hard to define, that are truly Punk. They exist beyond any simplified reason, what says anarchy more than that.

    The people that people try to replicate today was once the revolution yes [period specific] but now it's just a shameful imitation/fashion statement, by idiots too unimaginative to work out who they are without having someone else give them a manual, the new Punk is something else, i couldn't say for sure what it is, but Noise is a damn good start!

  3. I still kinda admire certain punks-by-stereotype sometimes for their dedication to their, um, thing. I guess just as long as they realize that they're just dressing up in clown costumes and don't cop the extremely un-punk attitude of elitism and snobbishness towards others.

    Far as "punk" goes: whatever it is, if it's done with real soul and without personal compromise or shame, you're getting closer to it. Once you start doing something to please others' expectations you're getting away from it.

    I adore noise and musique concrete etc because it doesn't have to be music at all, even when it is. Who doesn't sit and chill to the sound of cars passing on the road sometimes? I guess people who don't live where cars drive, but they're blessed by that fact anyway.

    I'm treating your blog like Facebook now.

  4. *I'm treating your blog like Facebook now*

    dont taint it with words like that!

    but agreed, noise is perfect music because of it's freedom, it's always there [or soundscape is/whatever] but yeah, noise is just minimal/maximal manipulations of... sounds, it's so interesting and seems even more so because of how easily so many dismiss it, almost like there's something really important there that needs to be figured out.

  5. Perish the phrase!

    Futurist Manifesto\Art of Noises\so on. I just know it's particularly irritating when people consider noise to be . . . like, cheapskate music. Like it's cheating or something? There's definitely good and bad noise, and unlike beating an instrument down to technical excellence, like Chinese kids who practice their piano 25 hours a day, noise shines when the artist has real guts and throws some emotion and catharsis and playful instincts into the grinder.

  6. loals. I get it, but you do it. I'm just a cultural observer like Tom Wolfe minus the having a career.

    Oh, uh, I'm curious: do you have any examples of artists in noise music who are highly technical in their work? Using music theory and so on. Er, like . . . uh, that one guy. Wait lemmie look OH Karlheinz Stockhausen. The guy who crossed sine waves to compose weird beeping music. As opposed to, say, Hantarash or Wolf Eyes who just sorta take a microphone and hammer it into a bucket of broken glass, etc.

  7. I would say Ryoji Ikeda, Sachiko M, John Cage, Pita, Organum & to some extent Aaron Dilloway & Sutcliffe Jügend

    hope this helps :]
